
↵ Back to Industries Art 3D scans for art pieces Our cutting-edge 3D scan technology finds application across a spectrum of artistic endeavors, granting creative minds the freedom to explore uncharted territories of expression without constraints. One remarkable...


↵ Back to Industries Sports 3D avatars of sports athletes In recent years, we’ve had the honor of creating the avatars of top athletes and collaborating with visionary directors, pioneering the future of sports content. Our avatar technologies have opened doors...


↵ Back to Industries Fashion 3D scans for fashion projects In an era where 3D technology is steadily gaining prominence in the fashion industry, our activity in Paris, the world capital of fashion, has naturally fostered our expertise in 3D scanning tailored to...


↵ Back to Industries Music Avatars for music artists In recent years, we’ve had the privilege of creating avatars for some of the most renowned music artists, singers and visionary directors while working on futuristic experiences for the music industry. Our...


↵ Back to Industries VFX High quality 3D scans for VFX Scan Engine, a spinoff of world-class VFX studio Unit Images, boasts an impressive track record of 3D scans for VFX projects, including notable titles like Terminator: Dark Fate, Love, Death and Robots or The...


↵ Back to Industries Games Human characters for video games, from cinematics to in-game Scan Engine is a 3D scanning company created by the founders of Unit Image, a globally renowned CGI animation studio specializing in video games who is known for its work on titles...